Adam Royal


I'm a fullstack web developer from the UK, currently working at Content Guru. I am crazy about all things web, and when I'm not working, you'll often find me glued to my Twitter feed keeping up to date with all the latest tech news.

I am a huge advocate for TypeScript in all projects I am involved in, and it is my primary language of choice. I have a lot of experience with React for front-end development, but I'm interested in bridging that gap with excellent new frameworks like NextJS that bring us closer to the holy grail of SSR and SSG. In my new personal projects, I've been working with the T3 Stack. In the past I have done significant work with PHP, namely Laravel and MySQL.

Outside of tech, I'm an avid bird watcher - nature reserves and wetlands are my second home!

I built this site using the excellent Astro framework.